Tips For Purchasing Paint For Your Home

Your home needs a new coat of paint. You're probably excited to pull out the roller and put a fresh coat on the walls, but before you do that, there's another hurdle you have to tackle: buying paint. This is not quite as easy as walking into the store with cash and walking out with a gallon of paint. Rather, there are a few tips and tricks you'll want to follow in order to make a successful purchase.

A Hand-Stitched Starter Project For Your Preteen To Complete

If your preteen has been observing you as you work on an embroidered tapestry that you plan on displaying over a mantelpiece or a living room furniture ensemble, you may have been persuaded to get them started on a personal craft project of their own. Hand stitch embroidery patterns can be used to create wall hangings, adornments for coats and other fabric garments and accessories, or a series of mini keychains and coasters.